Legal English
This course is meant to introduce you to the technical language that is Legal English. For this purpose, the course is structured in six units introducing you to the general aspect regarding English legal terminology, and to the different aspects proper of the specific legal fields covered. In each unit you will find: an introductory video, the core texts of the course followed by a short recap of each sub-unit, a final recap of the unit, and a comprehension test.
Anti-discrimination law
Discrimination is one of the most common forms of human rights violations, but since it can assume many forms and expressions it is not always easy to recognize, prevent or fight. Moreover, discrimination can affect people in almost any area of their public and private life: employment, education, housing, access to goods and services, family life etc., each area requiring a different and specific set of norms. The course begins with an introduction to the different formulations and concepts of equality and an overview of the U.S., European, and other national and international anti-discrimination law systems. It then focuses on anti-discrimination and equality law in European countries which is characterized by the existence of different layers of norms and institutions, which overlap and cooperate. Particular attention is paid to recent developments in the protection from discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, in light of the most significant domestic constitutional case-law as well as through the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union leading cases. The final part of the course is dedicated to the role of advocacy, lobbying and litigation strategies: instruments that have proved to be crucial for the fast development of European anti-discrimination law over the past few decades.
EU Law and Fundamental Rights
The course focuses on the EU system of protection of fundamental rights and freedoms. It covers the institutional scenario and the legal sources of the Union. In particular, it addresses the content and the effects of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, as well as some insights on specific rights contained therein.
International law and new technologies
Technology is a pivotal factor of change and transformation of our contemporary society. The course attempts to discuss the impact of new technologies, such as the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence, on international law and, on the other hand, to understand how international law can regulate new technologies.